Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a globally recognised process control system designed to identify and prevent microbial and other hazards in food production and the entire food chain.
HACCP Certification in Atlanta ensures a comprehensive, systematic and effective approach to producing safe food. Through this system, potential problems are identified and addressed before they arise, and any deviations discovered are corrected in an organized fashion. The rigorous documentation and verification procedures of HACCP have been widely recognized and accepted by scientific authorities and international organizations alike.
Food safety is one of the most critical topics of discussion in developing countries all over the world. Foodborne illness can be a fatal concern when food regulations are lacking or nonexistent. HACCP certification is a way for these countries to ensure a safe food preparation environment by using its four fundamental principles: monitoring, prevention, manipulation, and maintenance of the safety properties of foods throughout the production process.
If you produce, process, distribute, export, or handle food products, HACCP certification is the best way to ensure your products are safe and of the highest quality. Topcertifier provides both on-site and online consultation services for HACCP certification in Atlanta, providing you with everything you need to guarantee a 100% successful HACCP certification audit within the allotted project completion time.